Nippo Timeboy7 Calculating Time Clock made in Japan

Complete Package : $326  
  including includes Post Satchel delivery, not yet 10% GST
Option Product:
Main Features:
Digital calculating clock
Up to 50 staff
Auto card feed & eject
Weekly, fortnightly or monthly
Made in Japan
Impact dot matrix printer with longlife ribbon cassette
Midnight button for finishing work after day change
One IN/OUT clock per day
A preset lunch can be deducted daily after 6-hour work
Auto daily total hours when clocking out
Password security
Using Calcolo cards
Auto daylight saving time function
Unique dust-drop-through feature
Wall or desk mounting
On board battery for full memory during power outages
1 year warranty
Dimensions: W130 x D126 x H220mm
Weight: 1.5kg
Nippo Timeboy7 Calculating  Time Clock made in Japan
Nippo Timeboy7 Calculating  Time Clock made in Japan
Australia Post 5 Kg EXPRESS Satchel Service
Option: 5 Kg Express Satchel. - Same day dispatch